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Debugging your core

GAO debugging

Gowin FPGA debugging is mostly done through Gowin Analyzer Oscilloscope (GAO) over JTAG. JTAG is normally provided by the Sipeed BL616 firmware through USB. Now that TangCore has taken over the BL616, we need another way to provide JTAG functionality. We can do that with SOM connector on the FPGA module:

Here we use the 8-pin debug wire (provided by Sipeed with their boards), and Sipeed RV Debugger dongle (available on Sipeed store) to connect JTAG and UART (BL616_UART_TX to the RV debugger's RX pin).

This way we can use Gowin Analyzer Oscilloscope to debug our gateware as normal. You can also put the debugging bitstream (ao_0.bin) on the USB drive and use TangCore menu to program it if you need to.

Monitor MCU-FPGA communcation

The BL616 MCU acts as the master in UART communication. Communication happens in commands and responses. If you need to observe the communication to help debugging your core, you can do that with the script python tangcore\firmware-bl616\scripts\ <com_port>. It will try to decode and dump the communication. For instance, core loading looks like this,

fatfs: found /dev/sda
mount_volume: disk_initialize success
mount_volume: find_volume()=0

Writing 2303277 bytes...
ID=0001481b, status=70006020
Erase: pollFlag...
Erase: OK
Erase: disableCfg...
Erase: disableCfg done...
Erase: status=0x30000020

Erasing again...
ID=0001481b, status=30000020
Erase: pollFlag...
Erase: OK
Erase: disableCfg...
Erase: disableCfg done...
Erase: status=0x30000020


Usercode=0x0000, status=0x70006020

Time: total=2169121 us, jtag=0 us, flash=0 us, writetdi=75 us<get_core_id>

       -== TangCore ==-
Game Boy Advance
MegaDrive / Genesis
Version: Mar  7 2025<get_core_id>

In addition to the text messages. Those in brackets (<get_core_id>) are commands sent to the FPGA, as listed in the protocol description next section. So this printf-style debugging is helpful in checking what is happening in realtime.

You can also watch the traffic the other way (FPGA to MCU) on the other pin (BL616_UART_RX) with python -f <com_port>. It contains mostly joypad status updates and responses to other commands from the MCU.

UART Protocol

The protocol is handled in iosys_bl616.v. If you need to debug BL616-FPGA communication, then here's the protocol in use:

Command Description
0x01 get core ID (response: 0x11, followed by one byte of core ID). this is used to identify the core and check whether the core is ready
0x02 get core config string (response: 0x22, followed by null-terminated string)
0x03 x[31:0] set core config status
0x04 x[7:0] y[7:0] move overlay text cursor to (x, y)
0x05 display null-terminated string from cursor
0x06 loading_state[7:0] set loading state (rom_loading)
0x07 len[23:0] load len (MSB-first) bytes of data to rom_do
0x08 x[7:0] turn overlay on/off

Messages from FPGA to BL616:

Response Description
0x01 joy1[7:0] joy1[15:8] joy2[7:0] joy2[15:8] Every 20ms, send joypad state
0x11 core_id[7:0] send core ID
0x22 send null-terminated core config string