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Setup for Tang Nano 20K 🍄

The main feature of 0.5 is standalone operation without tethering to a PC. To have a standalone NESTang, you need these,

  • The Tang Nano 20K board.
  • Two playstation 2 controllers, wired or wireless.
  • A pair of Sipeed ps2 adapters.
  • A MicroSD card for holding ROMS.

Once you have these, set your build up as follows,

  • Connect the controller adapters to pin 15-20 of both sides of the board (see schematics if you are not sure). Then connect the controllers.
  • HDMI connection to a monitor or TV.
  • Program NESTang 0.5 to the board with openFPGALoader or Gowin programmer.
  • Use tools/ python program to convert .nes ROM files to an .img file. This script requires Python >=3.7 and needs the Pillow package (install with pip3 install pillow). Then burn that image to the sd card with any sd tool (e.g. Balena Etcher) or dd under Linux or Mac.
  • Insert MicroSD and power up the board, and enjoy your game!