Setup for Tang Nano 20K
The main feature of 0.5 is standalone operation without tethering to a PC. To have a standalone NESTang, you need these,
- The Tang Nano 20K board.
- Two playstation 2 controllers, wired or wireless.
- A pair of Sipeed ps2 adapters.
- A MicroSD card for holding ROMS.
Once you have these, set your build up as follows,
- Connect the controller adapters to pin 15-20 of both sides of the board (see schematics if you are not sure). Then connect the controllers.
- HDMI connection to a monitor or TV.
- Program NESTang 0.5 to the board with openFPGALoader or Gowin programmer.
- Use
python program to convert .nes ROM files to an .img file. This script requires Python >=3.7 and needs the Pillow package (install withpip3 install pillow
). Then burn that image to the sd card with any sd tool (e.g. Balena Etcher) ordd
under Linux or Mac. - Insert MicroSD and power up the board, and enjoy your game!